Conferencia "Engineering projects related to noise and vibration"
a Conferencia "Engineering projects related to noise and vibration"
Fecha de celebración: desde 07/03/2019hasta 08/03/2019
Conferencia "Engineering projects related to noise and vibration"
Organiza: Escuela Politécnica de Ingeniería de Gijón (Universidad de Oviedo)
Los días 7 y 8 de marzo se impartirá un curso sobre acústica a cargo del Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joerg Bienert, Professor at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI – Univ. of Applied Sciences), dónde se abordará la acústica en los vehículos.
Jueves 7 de marzo. 12:00 Sala Juntas Aulario Sur. 120 minutos
- Acoustics – what is this? How is sound radiated by source?
- Basic quantities of sound in the 3D field
- The wave equation – typical solutions in 1D and 3D
- The energy in waves – intensity and sound power
- Spectrum analysis of sound signals
- Narrow band and octave band analysis
- The loudness of sound
- Definition and usage of the decibel scale
- The human perception of sound
- Room acoustics
- What is reverberation time?
- Sound attenuation of walls
- Noise identification with machine learning
Viernes 8 de marzo. 11:00 Aula Magna Aulario Sur. 2. 90 minutos
- Acoustics in vehiclesSound sources in vehicles
- The powertrain noise – that’s the exciting part
- How can we analyze this?
- Road noise – always present
- How can we reduce this?
- Windnoise – disturbance at high speed
- Techniques in the windtunnel
- Special effects
- Diesel knocking and electric vehicles
- Acoustic relevant parts
- Mufflers
- Interior
- Chassis
- body
PROFESOR: J. Bienert. Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
IDIOMA: Inglés.