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Connecting regional innovation valleys through circular industries
Fecha de celebración: 21/06/2023
Connecting regional innovation valleys through circular industries
Los próximos 21 y 22 de junio, el Gobierno del Principado de Asturias, representado por la Agencia de Ciencia, Competitividad Empresarial e Innovación Asturiana- Sekuens (antes IDEPA), junto con el Joint Research Centre of European Comission, organiza un evento centrado en la especialización tecnológica necesaria para afrontar el reto de la transición industrial hacia una economía circular y neutra en carbono.
El objetivo principal es establecer el escenario europeo para la autonomía estratégica industrial y la transición hacia la sostenibilidad y su impacto en territorios con alta concentración de industrias de alta intensidad energética, además de impulsar la colaboración entre las regiones que comparten con Asturias el reto de evolucionar hacia una industria circular y neutra en carbono..
On June 21 and 22, the Government of the Principality of Asturias, through Asturian Agency for Science, Business Competitiveness and Innovation (Sekuens), together with the Joint Research Center of European Commission, organizes an event focused on the technological specialization necessary to face the challenge of the industrial transition towards a circular and carbon neutral economy.
The main objective is to establish the European scenario for industrial strategic autonomy and the transition towards sustainability and its impact in territories with a high concentration of energy-intensive industries, in addition to promoting collaboration between the regions, which, like Asturias, share the challenge towards a circular and carbon neutral industry.
► Agenda Asturias circular industries (updated 16 june 2023)
* Territories attending to the event are invited to share some basic information, filling the template and following the Asturias example before 09 June. Contact person to send the fiche anae@idepa.es
► Regional template circular industries
► Regional template circular industries SEKUENS-ASTURIAS
► Guided visited to Laboral Centro de Arte
► Hotels
- Joint Research Centre. European Commission Seville
Carmen Sillero Illanes - Economic and Policy Analyst
Guia Bianchi - Researcher
- SEKUENS. Asturian Agency for Science, Business Competitiveness and Innovation
Ana E. Fernández Monzón - Technical adviser /Asesora técnica
Paz Palacio Fernández - Technical adviser /Asesora técnica