Una empresa francesa quiere formar un consorcio para desarrollar un dispositivo mareomotriz destinado a parques mareomotrices de escala comercial
Una empresa francesa quiere formar un consorcio para desarrollar un dispositivo mareomotriz destinado a parques mareomotrices de escala comercial
French company aims to form a consortium to develop a 1MW tidal device for utility-scale tidal farms delivering an unmatched value proposition.
The French company developed breakthrough hydro-kinetic generators that generate renewable energy through an undulating membrane. The patented technology boasts a 50% increase in efficiency over conventional tidal and costs 50% less. The company reached TRL7 with a 50 kW generator at pre-commercial stage (a demonstration pilot is under way in Chile). The next stage is to scale to a 1 MW prototype; the company will be forming a consortium with shipyards or offshore E&Cs for this development. Seeking industrial partners to jointly develop, build, deploy, and maintain tidal devices.
The company is looking for partners with expertise in naval architecture and offshore energy engineering and manufacturing capabilities in Europe, and potentially North America and Patagonia.
The partners will collaborate with the Company during the development phase, with the Company overseeing the power production engineering, the device architecture and system integration. The partners will handle the assembly, testing and onshore maintenance of the units based on detailed engineering blueprints. Work packages will be defined in collaboration with partners after integration.
Deadline of the call is 31 December 2024.
Otra información de interés
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Esta oportunidad, se ha extraído de la base de datos global de la Enterprise Europe Network que puede consultar en la web del consorcio EEN-GalacteaPlus.
Enterprise Network Europe Asturias
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